I am marching because we will have a sexual predator in the White House.
I am marching because we must protect Roe v. Wade.
I am marching because without Planned Parenthood, women will die.
I am marching because we must protect the health of ALL Americans.
I am marching because climate change threatens every living thing on earth.
I am marching for civil rights.
I am marching for LGBT rights.
I am marching for immigrant rights.
I am marching for voting rights.
I am marching for religious rights.
I am marching because we have an administration that cares only about the rich.
I am marching for the poor.
I am marching for the middle class.
I am marching for the sick.
I am marching for the hungry.
I am marching because we have an administration so regressive it doesn't believe in science.
I am marching because the Tea Party is the American Taliban.
I am marching because we elected a con man who ran a campaign based on hatred, fear, scapegoating and lies.
I am marching because he is evil and dangerous.
I am marching because his closest advisor is a white nationalist.
I am marching because he will sell us out to line his own pockets.
I am marching because he is a lying racist who led the birther movement.
I am marching because he is a thief and a narcissist and a bully.
I am marching because the VP-elect tried to force women to bury or cremate their miscarried or aborted fetuses.
I am marching because the VP-elect supports conversion therapy.
I am marching because the Russians hijacked the election.
I am marching because Russia has him over a barrel.
I am marching because 11 days before the election, James Comey interfered, effectively killed Hillary's chance of winning.
I am marching because of gerrymandering.
I am marching because of voter suppression.
I am marching because Citizens United is anti-American.
I am marching because of what he said about Carly Fiorina's face.
I am marching because of what he said about Hillary Clinton's behind.
I am marching because he slut-shamed and fat-shamed Miss Universe.
I am marching because he said Megyn Kelly had blood coming out of her wherever.
I am marching because he's a pussy grabber.
I am marching because he imitated a disabled reporter.
I am marching because he doesn't believe in the free press.
I am marching for NATO.
I am marching for the ACA.
I am marching for Obama's legacy.
I am marching for peace.
I am marching because Hillary won the popular vote.
I am marching because I am a mother.
I am marching because I am a patriot.
I am marching because I am a woman.
Stay safe, everyone.