Friday, September 10, 2010

Friday Update 9/9/10

L'Shana Tovah! For those of you don't know, it's the Jewish New Year, and we're celebrating of arrival of 5771.

Speaking of things Jewish, I'm in the home stretch with plans for my daughter's Bat Mitzvah next month, which leaves me little time for anything else. Indeed, my To Do list is putting me in an absolute panic.

So not much time for this update or anything else. Besides, no real career news to report. Still holding steady and waiting for official word on something I'm bursting to announce. Also waiting for new cover art for THE OTHER LIFE. (By the way, the book is now listed on with a product description.)

But ... proud to say that despite my schedule, I've been managing to hit my writing goals these past few weeks, which feels like a miracle. Of course the house is a mess, the laundry is piling up, phone calls are going unreturned, emails unanswered, and my anxiety level is not pretty.

Long, slow breaths, right?

Have a great weekend ...


Anonymous said...

L'Shanah Tovah! May you and your family be inscribed for the coming year. - Buddah Moskowitz

Ellen said...

Lovely, Buddah! Right back at ya!!