Tuesday, March 30, 2010


By Sheila Curran

I've been holding onto a Borders gift card for a few months now, waiting for the perfect book to spend it on. I've just decided: I'm getting EVERYONE SHE LOVED by Sheila Curran, one of my fellow Girlfriends Cyber Circuit authors.

Here's the copy that pushed me over the edge, written by Sheila's publicist:

Books are born in strange places. Sheila Curran’s latest was conceived in the front seat of a car while her friend drove and their daughters chatted in the backseat. The women were discussing an article Curran had written about two young girls whose parents had died within months of each other.

While talking about the tragedy, Curran realized that choosing the perfect guardian for her kids—one that would raise them as she would--would be next to impossible. Even tougher to swallow would be the possibility that if she died first, her husband might marry someone awful, and then she’d have no control at all. Unless, she mused, she could get him to agree that if he remarried, her sisters and friends would have to agree to his choice of bride, just to prevent some wicked stepmother from moving in.

And thus was hatched the idea for EVERYONE SHE LOVED, an utterly engaging tale that explores the faith one woman placed in her dearest friends, the care she took to protect her family, and the many ways in which romantic entanglements can confound and confuse even the most determined of planners.

I hope you, too, will pick up this book the next time you visit your favorite chain or independent bookstore. In the meantime, PLEASE click here to visit Shelia blog and see what's been up to. Thank you!

One last thing. EVERYONE SHE LOVED is also available online anywhere books are sold. For more information, visit Sheila's website at sheilacurran.com.

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