Tuesday, September 12, 2006


In a few weeks I'll be launching a special promotion to teachers that includes a drawing for a free audiobook CD of SECRET CONFESSIONS OF THE APPLEWOOD PTA (narrated by Lisa Kudrow). If you're a teacher and would like to be included--or if you know a teacher who would like to be included--just drop me a line at ellen (at) ellenmeister (dot) com, and tell me what email address I should send the promo to.

Also, I'm eager to include endorsements from actual teachers. So if you're a current or former teacher of grades K-12 who read the book and enjoyed it enough to want to blurb it, can you send me a sentence or two that I can quote? I won't include last names. Just send your quote, along with your first name and last initial, the grade you teach (or most recently taught) and your state of residence. Also, if you want a signed bookplate, send me your mailing address and I'll send one right out. Again, my email is ellen (at) ellenmeister (dot) com. Thanks!

(Click here for blog homepage.)


Stephanie said...

I'm wondering what a bookplate is.

Terri Garey said...

Great idea, Ellen! I'm sending this (and your book) on to my daughter - she's an 8th grade Advanced English teacher.

Ellen said...

Steph, a bookplate is essentially a big sticker that the writer signs. It goes in the front of the book, making it an "autographed" copy. My publisher supplied me with a stack of them, and they have the William Morrow logo, so they're "official."

Terri... thanks so much for spreading the word!! Hope your daughter likes the book! (I'm so confused, though. Your daugther teaches 8th grade? I thought you were in your thirties.)